Helena’s hugely popular talks have delighted audiences
ranging from the Royal Geographical Society to schools,
conferences, luncheon clubs, businesses and Women’s
Institutes. She is equally comfortable with or without
Many of the beautiful slides are taken by her husband, artist and photographer
Richard Pomeroy. His photographs have been published in Vogue, The Independent,
The Independent on Sunday, The Observer, Wanderlust, and in books on cookery
and travel.
Her talks are accompanied by music, most of it recorded on site: Strangerland
Mother Tongues
Looking for George
Dancing with the Dead
Through China and Tibet
Around the World in Forty Minutes
Helena is equally comfortable with or without slides.
The illustrated talks, which usually last up to an hour,
include a live commentary, together with stereo sound
Fee: £300 plus travelling expenses

Monday November 30th - Friday December 4th 2009
-Arvon. A four day mid-week course.
'Writing from Life.' Residential course for writers of
all levels, with Kate Clanchy, at The John Osborne Arvon
Centre, The Hurst, Clunton, Craven Arms, Shropshire, SY7
0JA. 'Journeys from Past to Present.' Using both written
and visual prompts, this course will look at the whole
scope of writing from experience. Workshops will focus
on how to create a believable, engaging narrator, and
explore openings, voice, place, dialogue, form and content,
as well as how to avoid the pitfalls. Are there any subjects
which are out of bounds? For further information contact
Peter Salmon or Kerry Watson on 01588 640658 thehurst@arvonfoundation.org
Friday February 26th - Sunday February 28nd 2010
- Skyros Weekend course.
'Writing from Life.' Residential weekend workshops for
writers of all levels at the beautiful seaside Grange,
9 Eastcliff Road, Shanklin, Isle of Wight, PO3 6AA. 'One
of the best routes into writing - both fiction and non-fiction
- is through our personal experiences and memories.' £75
for weekend. For further details contact Jenni Canakis
at Skyros on 01983 867644 or visit www.thegrangebythesea.com
Thursday March 4th 2010 - Festival workshop.
Life Writing workshop at Bath Literary Festival for all
levels of experience. Come and hear how Helena works with
life and memory, and discover how you can do it too.11.15am-12.15pm.
For further information contact Bath Festival Box Office
at www.bathlitfest.org.uk.
Sunday March 14th - Wednesday March 24th 2010
- Week's course.
'Writing from Life.' Inspiring residential writing holiday
at the Havana Writers' Lab in Havana, Cuba with Skyros-in-Cuba.
This course is for writers of all levels and will look
at the whole scope of writing from experience, using our
own lives to create works of fiction or non-fiction. For
further information call 01983 865566 or go to www.skyros.com
Friday April 9th 2010 - Festival workshop.
Writing from Life: Memoir and Autobiography - all you
need to know. A workshop that will explore how to understand
the market for true life stories; structure; looking,
seeing, sensing: how to bring your writing to life; and
the business end of things: agents, publishers and all
that. The workshop is part of the Festival of Writing
at the University of York 9-11 April. Contact Tommy at
the Writers' Workshop on 0845 459 9560 or visit www.writersworkshop.com
Sunday June 20 - Saturday July 3rd 2010- Skyros
Two week course.
Writing from Life: using our own memories and experiences
as a route into writing, both fiction and non-fiction,
poetry and prose. An inspiring writing holiday at the
Skyros Writers' Lab on the beautiful island of Skyros
in Greece. You can go for one week or two. Contact 01983
865566 or visit www.skyros.com
Monday September 20th - Friday September 24th
2010 -Arvon four day mid-week course.
'Creative Non-Fiction.' How much flesh can you put on
the bones? Just how creative can you get with non-fiction?
These are some of the issues we will be addressing, along
with structure, description, dealing with mountains of
research, and telling your tale as clearly and thoughtfully
as possible. Are all good stories lies, or can they actually
be both gripping and true? Residential course for writers
of all levels, with Cole Moreton, at The Ted Hughes Arvon
Centre at Lumb Bank, Heptonstall, Hebden Bridge, W. Yorks
HX7 6DF 01422 843714 or contact lumbbank@arvonfoundation.org
Saturday September 25th - Sunday October 10th
2010 - Ways with Words Two week course. Writing,
reading and painting holiday in beautiful Villa Pia on
the Tuscan/Umbrian border in Italy. Contact Kay Dunbar
at Ways With Words on 01803 967373 www.wayswithwords.co.uk